Explicație:Producer organizations (POs) are the main actors in the regime applicable to the fruit and vegetable sector, and growers are encouraged to join them in order to strengthen their market position. The EU regime for the fruit and vegetables sector provides financial support to producer organizations for the implementation of operational programs.
In some regions of the EU, for a transitional period, producer and fruit producer (GP) groups set up at the initiative of producers can obtain financial assistance to gain recognition as producer organizations.
The European Commission monitors and evaluates both the programs and the national strategy, based on a common set of performance indicators. Producer organizations shall submit annual reports to the relevant national authority on the implementation of their operational programs. Annual reports must accompany aid applications. Similarly, each country must submit to the European Commission an annual report on all producer organizations, producer groups, funds and operational programs and recognition plans.
A recognized producer organization may set up an operational fund to finance its operational program. This fund is funded by the financial contribution of members (or even the producer organization) and by financial assistance from the EU. As a general rule, EU financial assistance is limited to 50% of the total operational fund and may be increased to 60% in certain cases.
In regions where producers have not formed enough organizations, national governments may provide national funding in excess of the operational fund. In some cases, this can be partially reimbursed by the EU.
At the request of a PO, an EU country may impose, for a limited period, the obligation to comply with some of the rules agreed within that organization and by other non-member producers in the region or regions in which the PO operates.