Vă rog frumos să mă ajutați este urgent până mâine să îmi traduceți din română în engleză și să mai adăugați că mi-a plăcut mult această carte chiar o recomand și să mai spuneți că îi dau nota 10 în engleză vă rog VĂ DAU COROANĂ PROMIT URGENT

I finished to read “Charlotte’s cloth” by E.B.White., a very cute book that at first Fern, a girl of 8 years old saves a little piggy from dead,Wilbur, who was feed with a bootle for a while.After that the little piggy was sold to a family who was feeding him to get fat for the winter. Poor Wilbur would have gotten on the table for Chirstmas in the new family if Charlotte wouldnt be noticed.The spider who had her cloth in her coop. She saves the new friend with the help of her cloth what is wrotten a lot of beautiful stuff about Wilbur about like “This is a good pig”, “Terible”, and “Glorious”, who people get to be suprised about, and Wilbur became famous. When they got to the targ( nu știu cum se spune) where Wilbur was admired and premiated for Charlottes cloth. The spider made her eggs and died in Wilburs coop. For helping the pig, Wilbur took the eggs with him to save her babies. Those spiders born in spring, some of them leave, some of them stay to make Wilbur happy. With all of those, Wilbur will always remember this memory with her friend Charlotte who saved his life.
I loved this book its amazing! I would read it again if i would have too!I recommed this book!
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