
O compunere în Engleză despre Crăciun , sau sărbătorile la noi în țară!!
Vă rog mult să mă ajutați!!!♥️​

Răspuns :


Every year, in Romania, on Christmas Eve, all children go to carols. They receive sweets, fruits, pretzels. Like every year, children come home with full bags. On thev eve of the eve, each family eats, as they say Christmas Table. In the morning when we wake up we see thousands of presents under the Christmas tree and we all rejoice because we are celebrating this holiday.


Nu stiu daca eate fix cum voiai tu... Dar am încercat sa fac ceva.


Christmas in Romania

Every year, children go to carols on Christmas Eve. They receive sweets, pretzels.

Christmas for us Romanians does not only mean gifts, but also the Birth of Jesus Christ. Every year on the eve of the eve, all Romanians invite our relatives to the Christmas table, where we talk, laugh, eat.

Two or a day before New Year's Eve, people come with people to give them money (it's also a kind of carol).

Every year, people eat sausages, sarmale, polenta.

On New Year's Eve, the people stay with the family and spend the morning

Atât am mai putut sa fac... Daca nici asta nu e ok,poti intreba pe cnc din familie