Mă puteți ajuta cu acele întrebări, vă roggg e urgent!!! (clasa a 7-a) Ofer coroană!!!

1. The silk road starts in china and ends in europe and vice versa.
2. With camels.
3.Marco Polo returned to vecine in 1295, 24 years after he left.
4. The vikings.
5. Leif Eriksson came from Scandinavia.
6. it comes from the name of the person who discovered it, Amerigo Vespucci.
7.Around the world , though Magellan himself never made it home.
8. On 14th december 1911.
9. 33 days after Roald's team.
10. Scott and his four men, from the antarctic expedition and Magellan, the portuguese explorer.