
Un rezumat pt rapunzel în engleza la timpul trecut

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Rapunzel was a beautiful girl with very long hair. She had a bad mother who wouldn't let her out of the palace. When her mother was gone, a beautiful prince heard her singing from the palace. hearing she put her head out the window and left her long hair on the window, letting the prince go up. She ran away from the palace with the prince and the prince showed Rapunzel nature.


Rapunzel era o fata frumoasa cu par foarte lung.Ea avea o mama rea care nu o lasa sa iasa din palat.Cand mama ei era plecata,un print frumos a auzit-o cantand din palat.Asa ca curios cine este a strigat,Rapunzel auzind a scos capul pe geam si si-a lasat parul sau lung pe ferestra,lasandu-l pe print sa urce.Ea alaturi de print au fugit din palat si printul i-a aratat lui Rapunzel natura.