Am nevoie urgent. Vă rog! Vreau seriozitate! Exercițiul 2.

nush daca mai ai nevoie de rsp , dar :
A friend : Sam is my friend since I was 7 years old. I Sam is likeable hence everybody loves hanging out with Sam. She is tall, smart and funny. She likes playing ping pong
A relative : My brother is 10 years old, he is not too bright nor beautiful, he hates cake and he likes playing video games. Also his name is Marian.
A teacher : Mrs. Carmen is liked by everyone at the school. She is patient with kids that do not understand the first time, she does not give any homework but she hates it if students don't even try studying.
A famous person : Dorian Popa is very famous in Romania and I think he is funny , tall , handsome and he also has a cute dog called Chelutu. Everybody loves Dorian Popa. He likes sports and he is athletic.