write a description of an accident (120-150 words)

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Hei! Sunt aici să te ajut cu acest exercițiu!
Enunț: Write a description of an accident (120-150 words)
I was home on a Sunday. I was so bored that I texted my colleague to go out for a drink. Of course she accepted. Besides the fact that it was very warm, we also had to go on down. It wasn't very far. Before we arrived, a car was coming from behind with very high speed, we were scared and we accidentally fell into the ditch.In front of him came another car that was going regularly, from behind the car he was speeding over a motorcycle and trying to get between them. The car that was going regularly climbed a mountain of sand, rolled over once, and the car with speed fell into the ditch, where we were, about 5-6 meters from us.The people in the car hadn't suffered anything, they just got scared. He called the police, we left so we wouldn't be put as witnesses. In principle, there was no fine,no fine was given, everything was ok.
Eram acasă, o zi de duminică. Mă plictiseam așa tare încât i-am dat mesaj colegei mele sa ieșim la un suc. Bineînțeles că ea a acceptat. Pe lângă faptul că era foarte cald mai trebuia să mergem și pe jos. Nu era chiar foarte departe. Înainte să ajungem,vine o mașină din spate cu viteza foarte mare,ne-am speriat și din greșeală am cazut în șanț.Din fata venea alta mașină ce mergea regulamentar,din spatele mașinii cu viteză depășește o motocicleta și încearcă să intre printre ele.Mașină ce mergea regulamentar s-a suit pe un munte de nisip,rostogoliduse o data,iar mașina cu viteza a căzut în șanț,unde eram noi,la vreo 5-6 metri de noi. In princiu nu s-a întâmplat nimic,nu s-a dat vreo amendă,totul a fost bine.
Inspirat din fapte reale :))
Sper că te-am ajutat.
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