
Va rog muult sa ma ajutati! Tradu propozitiile cu past tenses:
1. Am stiut ca m-am descurcat la examen inainte sa vad rezultatul
2. A fost mult mai tarziu cand am aflat ca in tot timpul in care ii scriam prietenei mele mama mea imi deschisese scrisorile si-mi citea raspunsurile
3. Nu mi-am dat seama ca mi-ai uitat umbrela in autobuz pana cand a inceput sa ploua
4. Dupa ce am citit manualul mi-am dat seama cum functioneaza calculatorul
5. Pe cand am ajuns noi la lift, ea eliberase camera
6. Avioanele disparusera inainte ca el sa le vada
7. Am incercat sa sun, dar ceva se intamplase cu telefonul​

Răspuns :


1. I knew I did well at the exams before I would see the score.

2. It was too late when I found out that this whole time while I was writing to my friend my mom opened my letter and she was reading my answers.

3. I didn't realize that I forgot my umbrella in the bus until it started to rain.

4. After I read the manual I realized how my computer works.

5. By the time we got to the elevator, she cleared the room.

6. The planes disappeared before he even saw them.

7. I tried to call, but something happened with the phone.

Sper ca te-am ajutat! Succes!