
7 Choose the sentence with the same meaning,
1 I've lived in Spain for ten years.
a) I live in Spain now.
b) I don't live in Spain now.
2 I lived in France for ten years.
a) I live in France now.
b) I don't live in France now.
3 He's had his computer for two weeks.
a) He got the computer two weeks ago and
he has it now.
b) He owned a computer for two weeks
but now he doesn't have one.
4 I read that book.
a) I finished it in the past.
b) I did this at an indefinite time in the past.
5 I've read that book.
a) I finished it at a definite time in the past.
b) I read it at an indefinite time in the past
and the experience is relevant now.​