7 Read the text and decide if the statements
are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn't say).
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Write in your notebook.
Life in a
High-Tech Society
40 centuries ago?
Then we think of ancient
times, we often think of people
living in basic conditions in simple villages. Well, that wasn't
always the case. Arkaim is a mysterious ancient town in
Russia, just north of the border with Kazakhstan, that tells a
different story.
In 1987, the government was planning to flood the area and
they sent scientists to work out the best way to do it. As they
were flying over the area in a helicopter, they noticed huge
circles with a structure in the middle. Archaeologists came to
check the place and were very surprised by what they found.
The structure was a town, Arkaim, and it is as old as the
ancient civilisations of Babylon and Egypt. Archaeologists
believe the people of this civilisation were very intelligent
and maybe knew things we don't know today. They used a
material that didn't burn easily to build their homes. Their
engineers built a system to protect the city from floods and
canals to bring water to the fields. They built their town at the
centre of two circles. No one knows why they chose to create
them. Some people even believe that the circles were
runways for alien spacecraft! The real reason for the circles
remains a mystery, just like the fall of the Arkaim. After living
there for 200 years, the people burnt the town down and left.
So, what do you think? How did these ancient people
become so advanced? Were they from another world? Why
did they leave the town? Many people would like to know the
answer to these questions, but for the moment Arkaim is
keeping its secrets
1. Arkaim is in Kazakhstan
2. The area around Arkaim often floods.
3. Scientists first saw Arkaim from the air
4. The people of Arkaim had a special system
to water crops.
5. The town burnt down 200 years ago.
5x 2 = 10