Va roogg
Si aceste două exerciții
Mă abonez tot dar sa fie corect

EX. 17
2)the most modern
5)more spacious
6)more comfortable
8)more stressful
9)the nicest
2. The best film...
3. Ann speaks in a nice way to...
4. Harry is less hardworking than...
5. This is the best essay...
6. The harder he studies, the better the grades...
7. Helen is not prettier than...
8. Fruit and vegetables are healthier than...
9. Karen isn't heavier than...
10. Rachel reads less books than...
11. I am better than him...
12. That's the worst film...
13. The other two dresses aren't as comfortable as this...
14. This is the cheapest restaurant...
15. Cars are faster than...
Unde am pus "..." inseamna ca propoziția se continua la fel ca și în carte.