@alinaolaru75 te rog multt de tot ajută-mă cum poți tu mai bine!! Îmi trebuie urgent și as fi recunoscătoare pt ajutorul tău! Dau coronița

love - hatred; jealousy - devotion; revenge- pardon, sympathy, forgiveness; anger - pleasure, calmness;
2. Well, anyone is free to date anyone. Feelings are a very tricky thing and you can fall for someone even if you feel that its "not right" to do. I understand that. Of course there is a moral part which states you shouldn't date your best friend's girl but still it's not a crime if it happens. I'll stick with friendship no matter what. Love happens, friendship needs time to be built. There is no conflict between or at least it shouldn't. If those feelings are truly and deeply on both sides, when there is trust and respect for each other you should not be worried. It takes a blink of an eye to fall in love with someone but love needs more time and much more "ingredients". So, sit back and think twice: is it worth it? It's only one step to lose both or ignore and move on. What do you prefer? I guess time will clear the water . My advice: keep going because life deserve to be lived not questioned.