vreamtime Paters
Before you watch
A Match the words to the meanings.
1 Outback
a picture
2 Aboriginal
b becoming worse
3 civilisation
c cold blooded animal that lays eggs (snake, crocodile, turtle, etc)
d area of Australia, far away from the coast and towns, especially the
deserts in central Australia
5 reptile
e the way of life and culture of a society from a particular part of the world
6 deterioration
f relating to the first people of Australia
4 image
B Watch the video clip and decide if these statements are true or false. Write T for true and F forf
1 A lot of Dreamtime paintings at Kakadu National Park are over 30,000 years old.
2 lan Morris thinks that Aboriginal paintings are similar to ancient rock paintings from other continents
3 The Aborigines have lived in the land we now call Australia for between 40,000 and 100,000 years
4 Ancient Aboriginal art describes everyday life, tells stories about animals and sometimes even about wa
5 If an Aboriginal group painted kangaroos, they also painted turtles and birds
6 There haven't been any Aboriginal rock artists since the 1960s
After you watch