In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.
Ex 2
Vă rog repede.
Dau coroana

1.The fox
2.Under the apple tree
3. Cause he is unhappy
4.Its an act that people often forget
5.Because he doesnt have time
6.It's only with the heart that ond can see rightly
1. The fox talks to the little prince.
2.The fox is under the apple tree.
3.The little prince wants to play because he is unhappy.
4.Tame means to become friends
5.The prince doesn't want to tame the fox because he doesn't have time and he has friends to discover and many things to unerstand.
6. The fox's secret is that it is only with the heart that one can see rightly.
1. Vulpea vorbește cu micul prinț
2.Vulpea e sub măr. (copac)
3.Micul Prinț vrea să se joace pentru că e nefericit.
4.A îmblânzii înseamnă să devii prieteni.
5. Prințul nu vrea să îmblânzească vulpea pentru că nu are timp șă are prieteni de descoperit și multe de înțeles.
6. Secretul vulpii este că doar cu inima poate cineva să vadă corect.