1. Why is "Robinson Crusoe" an important book?
"Robinson Crusoe" is an important book in the English and universal literature because it depicts the mankind progresses of the Western Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, the times of research and intense exploration of the world on the seas, oceans and land. At the same time, the book is considered to be the first novel in the English literature.
2. Who was Daniel Defoe and why is he famous?
Daniel Defoe was an English writer and journalist, but he also tried his hand as an accountant and merchant. His fame derives mainly from the well-known novel "Robinson Crusoe" - all children and teenagers must have read this book of fantastic adventures at least once!
3. Who was Alexander Selkirk?
Alexander Selkirk might have been the person that inspired Defoe in writing his novel. Alexander was a Scottish who lived for four years away from his country, on an island near Chile. His story that appeared in the newspaper of those times after his being rescued could have been a starting point for Daniel Defoe's novel.