
In most lines of the following text there is one spelling or punctuation mistake. Find the mistakes and correct them.
Write the correct word in the space provided. If a line contains no mistakes, put a tick («) in the space next to it.
This part is an error correction exercise. This can be a task where Also watch out for the following punctuation errors:
you have to identify unnecessary words or one where you have to proper nouns written using lower-case letters
correct spelling and punctuation mistakes.
e.g. the british Film Institute, newcastle (British, Newcastle)
• Some spelling mistakes you might come across are listed below
missing or unnecessary commas, e.g. Michael, who is
(the correct spelling of the words is given in brackets):
a doctor is 46 years old. (doctor, is)
incorrect plurals, e.g. difficultys, journeies (difficulties, journeys) and Most British people who have retired abroad, say
incorrect addition of suffix, e.g. happyness, easyly (happiness, they are happy with their lives. (abroad say)
missing, unnecessary or misplaced apostrophes, e.g. Its up to
misspelt participles, e.g. layed, heared (laid, heard)
you to decide. (It's) and The museum is famous for it's collection
single instead of double or double instead of single
of rare ancient artifacts. (its) and The childrens' toys (children's)
consonants, e.g. asurance (assurance), usefull (useful)
incorrect punctuation in direct speech, e.g. "Here is the
missing silent vowels, e.g. litracy (literacy)
money" he said. (money," he)
misspelt suffix, e.g. independance (independence)
Unnecessary or missing question mark, e.g. "I know where
reversed vowels, e.g. wierd, acheive (weird, achieve)
she is?" (is.)
wrong choice of homophone e.g. There/Their
(N.B. See Grammar Reference for details on punctuation rules.)
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