
Un text/o compunere de 100 - 300 cuv. care sa conțină o experiență la un concert. Nu conteaza cantaretul/ea/artist/a.(in engleza!). ​

Răspuns :

One day my mother saw a ticket for a concert. I was delighted and excited so I accepted the proposal. The next day I set off for that concrete. The singer was Halsey. She was nicely dressed and had a wide smile. When she started singing everyone was amazed by her voice! I was very very happy! I liked this unforgettable experience


Traducere : Intr-o zi mama mea a vazut un bilet pentru un concert.

Eu am fost incantata si entuziasmata asa ca am acceptat propunerea.

A doua zi am pornit catre acel concret. Cantareata era Halsey. Ea era frumos imbracata si avea un zambet larg. Cand a inceput sa cante toata lumea a fost uimita de vocea ei! Eu eram foarte foarte bucuroasa!

Mie mi-a placut aceasta experienta de neuitat


I have always loved folk music and when I heard that Bob Dylan will come to Romania and have a concert I completely lost my mind. Although the price was incredibly expensive, I had to invest in the greatest pleasure of mine. The concert was in another city, so I had to travel a few hours to get there.

When I finally arrived, after hours of anxious reflecting, there was a large sea of people there waiting, just like me, to see and hear one of the greatest personalities in the music industry there is.

He came on stage and I was thrilled to see his legendary curly hair and harmonica as I was waiting more or less patiently to hear my favorite song `Mr. Tambourine Man`.

I loudly sang every song he sang, from `Don't think twice it's alright` , to `knocking at heaven's door`. I looked around and noticed people's faces and, for a moment, I reflected on this precious, unique moment, when everyone was enjoying the beautiful music of Bob Dylan.

Funny enough, my favorite song was sang last and it felt as if Bob kept the best for last. I shed a few tears and sang quietly this time, only to myself and the Universe, so I will never forget this magic experience.

Music is the greatest gift God gave us, it is a mix of emotions, art and talent that only a few human beings will be capable to find the right recipe for.

Coroana te rooooooooooog
