
Exercitiul 3 si 4
La limba engleza
Am nevoie urgent

Exercitiul 3 Si 4 La Limba Engleza Am Nevoie Urgent class=

Răspuns :

Nu prea înțeleg ce zice cerință, nu înțeleg limba (franceza, spaniola, italiana?), dar uite asa am rezolvat eu exercițiile din câte înțeleg ca trebuie sa facem.


1. Where is grandmother's phone?

2. Can you take the dog for a walk?

3. When will the technician come to repair the TV?

4. Can you feed the dog?

5. When do you have dinner?

6. Will be your friends here all day?


1. A: Did Carl tell you about the party? B: Yes, he had.

2. A: Did you lose your glasses? B: No, I haven't. They're on the table.

3. A: Did mum order the pizzas? B: Yes, they did take the order.

4. A: Peter did not work before. B: Really? I can't believe he did not have a job before.

5. A: Someone did park in front of our entrance. B: That's annoying.

6. A: I did not eat today. I'm very hungry. B: I can't believe it.

7. A: Did your parents meet your girlfriend? B: No, they did not.

8. A: Did Anita cut herself? B: Yes, she did.