
Buna!Imi traduce cineva scrisoarea asta in engleza?
,,Draga Lee
Am primit scrisoarea ta in care ma intrebi ce mai fac si care mai sunt planurile mele de viitor .Sunt foarte bucuroasa ca mi ai scris .Imi lipsesti mult iar acest oras acum nu mai e la fel fara tine.
Vreau sa iti spun ca eu si familia mea suntem bine.Sora mea mai mare e la facultatea de informatica in al doilea an iar fratele meu mai mare e plecat la Oradea cu niste prietenii la o cabana .Eu sunt bine.La liceu in perioada aceasta fac mai mult online si deaceia iti scriu mai rar.Am multe teme si proiecte de facut.Vreau ca pe viitor sa ma inscriu la lectii de pian pentru ca imi doresc mult sa invat sa cant la acest instrument.M-am inscris si la un curs de limba engleza la care particip online .Ti-l recomand si tie deoarece am inceput sa stiu mai bine aceasta limba.Vreau sa incep sa merg si la sala pentru ca atunci cand fac sport ma simt mult mai bine.Nu am planuri mari pe viitor pentru ca ma stii ca sunt o fata care face totul spontan.Imi doresc doar ca familia mea si prietenii mei sa fie bine.
Se apropie ziua mea de nastere si as vrea sa fii si tu . Imi doresc foarte mult ca la iarna sa vin sa te vizitez la Sibiu cu niste prietenii . Vreau sa vina Craciuni ca sa merg cu familia mea la munte sa skiez si sa ma dau cu sania.Deabea astept Craciunul!
Sper ca ne vom revedea curand .Astept sa mai imi scri si sa imi povestesti ce mai faci si cum e in Sibiu.Imi lipsesti foarte mult mie si celorlalti.
Cu mult drag prietena ta Timeea

Răspuns :


, Dear Lee I received your letter asking me what I am doing and what my plans for the future are. I am very glad that you wrote to me. I miss you a lot and this city is not the same without you now. I want to tell you that my family and I are fine. My older sister is in computer science in the second year and my older brother is away in Oradea with some friends at a cottage. I am fine. In high school during this period I do more online and that's why I write to you less often. I have many homework and projects to do. I want to enroll in piano lessons in the future because I really want to learn to play this instrument. I also enrolled in a English course that I participate in online. I recommend it to you too because I started to know this language better. I want to start going to the gym because when I do sports I feel much better. I don't have big plans on future because you know me as a girl who does everything spontaneously. I just wish my family and friends well. My birthday is approaching and I would like you to be too. I really want you to come and visit me in Sibiu in the winter with some friends. I want Christmas to come so I can go skiing with my family to the mountains and go sledding. I can't wait for Christmas! I hope to see you again soon. I am waiting for you to write to me and tell me what you are doing and how it is in Sibiu. I miss you and the others very much. Dear friend Timea