Rezolvați mi Și mie ex 13 va roggg rpdd

Răspuns: A.summary of event(rezumatul intamplarii
B.detailed description
C.comments, action taken
Crime-Oxford Street-10:00, this night-John Niff,28, psycho, convict 2 months ago
After he had served his ten year's sentence, John Niff couldn't go back to the ordinary life and felt that he had to finish his cruel desires. After stalking his ex-girlfriend for two months, he found the best moment to kill her, when no one was around. However, scared of a short, an old lady went to her second floor window to see what happened and saw the entire scene happening, and called the police.
Lady Elysa McGump: It all happened so fast, he jumped ut of a bush in front of her and without any remorse he stabbed her in the chest.