1. La ce ora te trezesti in weekend?
In the weekend I wake up at ...(la ce ora te trezesti am/pm)
2. Unde mananci la pranz?
I eat lunch in (ex cafeteria/outside etc...)
3. Ce faci in weekend?
In the weekend I ... (scrii ce faci in weekend ex. I watch movies on netflix/ go on a trip/ doodle etc..)
4. Unde te duci la cumparaturi?
I usually go to shop at ... (ex. the corner shop, mall etc..)
5. Ce carti sau reviste citesti?
I read .. (ex. The Vogue magazine/ I read HP and the Philosophers stone etc...)
6. La ce program te uiti pe TV?
I usually watch .. (TLC, Cartoon network, BBC news etc ...)
7. De ce studiezi Lb. Engleza?
I study English because ... (de ce inveti/studiezi Lb. Engleza)
8. Cum te relaxezi seara?
In the evening, my way to relax is ... ( cum te relaxezi tu ex. Hot shower, Listening to music etc ...)
sper ca te.am ajutat