Cine mă ajută la exercițiile astea 3 la engleză??? dau coroană, plzzz

4. Her name is Mandy Taylor. She works at the Sip Cafe. Mandy goes to the cafe every morning at six o'clock. She opens the cafe and sets the tables. The other waiters arrives at seven o'clock and they tydie the kitchen. The first customers comes in at about 7:30. Mandy takes a break at 10 o'clock. She finishes work at 2 o'clock and sometimes she meets friends for lunch.
5. This is Michael. He is 10 years old. He haves short, dark hair, brown eyes and a dark complexion. Michael lives in New York City whit his family. His father is a teacher and his mother is a lawyer. Michael dosen't have any brothers or sisters. He loves basketball and wants to be a professional basketball player. He likes school a lot. He goes every day.
6. a) I don't do my homework in the morning - always in the evening.
b) She dosen't spend her free time whit her friends. She prefers reading books.
c) Do you often do the shopping?
d) does her mother work in the bank?
e) We do play tennis after school.
f) My parents dosen't live in a flat. They have a house.
Sper că v-am ajutat! ❤️
Traducerea: 1. Her name is Mandy Tailor= numele ei e Mandy Tailor
2. She works at the Sip cafe= lucrează la Sip cafe
3.Mandy goes at the cafe every morning at 6 o'clock= Mandy se duce la cafeterie în fiecare dimineață la ora 6
4.She opens the cafe and sets the tables= deschide cafeteria si aranjează masele
5. The others waiters arrives at 7 o'clock and tidye the kitchen= alți servitori ajung la ora 7 și ordonează bucătăria
6. The first customers comes at in at about 7:30= primi clienți vin pe la ora 7:30
7. Mandy takes a breake at 10 o'clock= Mandy i-a o pauza la ora 10
8. She finish work at 2 o'clock and sometimes she meets friemds for lunch= termină lucrul la ora 2 si câteodată se întâlnește cu prietenii ei la prânz.
Cu plăcere ❤️.