Read the email from your English-speaking friend Rowan and the notes you have made.

Hi Rowan,
Thanks for writing to me. It's been a while since we spoke and I was happy to see your email when I opened my inbox.
Let me start by apologizing for what happened. I know how you feel, and I will try my best to help you out!
Arguments usually are there for expressing disapproval. I remember one time, I've had such an argument with Jessica, you might remember her from the summer camp. Anyhow, we fought over what we should order, when her parents were out of town. She insisted that she wanted McDonalds but I wanted to enjoy some pizza. After several minutes, we both ordered what we wanted and realized that it wasn't that hard to understand someone else`s needs. I apologized to her and we continue to watch a Netflix series. I think you should do the same, apologize and explain how the situation was from your perspective and you should do this as soon as you meet up with him!
The point is, you should not let these kind of situations to beat you or your cousin down, but instead, let them help you realize that these "silly" arguments are there for a reason and you both should learn a valuable lesson from them.
P.S. You should really give me a call instead of writing emails, it's 2020 man. See you soon!
Your best pal,
numele tau
si traducerea:
Salut Rowan,
Multumesc ca mi-ai scris. A trecut ceva vreme de cand nu am vorbit si m-a bucurat sa-ti vad email-ul in inbox.
Lasa-ma sa incep prin a-mi cere scuze pentru ce s-a intamplat. Stiu cum te simti si voi incerca sa te ajut cum pot mai bine.
Certurile exista, de obicei, pentru a exprima dezacordul. Imi amintesc o data, am avut asa o cearta cu jessica, s-ar putea sa o mai tii minte din tabara din vara. Oricum, ne-am certat legat de ce ar trebui sa comandam, and parintii ei erau plecati din oras. Ea insista ca vrea Mac, dar eu voiam sa ma bucur de niste pizza. Dupa cateva minute, am comandat amandoi ce voiam, si am constientizat ca nu a fost asa de greu sa inteleg nevoile altcuiva. Mi-am cerut scuze si ne-am uitat la un serial pe Netflix. Eu cred ca ar trebui sa faci la fel, sa-ti ceri scuze si sa-i explici cum era situatia din punctul tau de vedere si ar trebui sa o faci de indata ce te vezi cu el.
Povata este ca, nu ar trebui ca aceste situatii sa te doboare, pe tine sau pe varul tau, ba dimpotriva, lasa situatiile sa te ajute si sa constientizez ca aceste certuri "prostesti" sunt acolo pentru un motiv si ca amandoi ar trebui sa invatati ceva din asta.
P.S. Ar fi trebuit sa ma suni, in loc sa-mi trimiti mail-uri, este 2020 omule. Pe mai tarziu!
Amicul tau cel mai bun,
numele tau