
Write as many set phrases, idioms and metaphors containing the word "red" as you can think of.

Răspuns :

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  • (as) red as a beetroot: very red from feeling embarrassed (roșu ca racul/focul de rușine);

Jason was red as a beetroot when the teacher read his compositon aloud.

  • (as) red as a lobster: bright red due to sunburnt=roșu ca racul (fiind ars de soare);

After four hours in the sun, she was red as a lobster.

  • in/into the red: in debt, in a loss=în deficit;

Father told us we were in the red and would have to cut expenses.

  • out of the red: out of debt=scăpat de/fără datorii;

I've got him out of the red because I already knew he isn't able of anything.

  • see red: become violently angry=a vedea roșu înaintea ochilor;

I saw red the moment you passed me by because I remembered the fight we had that night.

  • red-handed⇒catch/nab sb red-handed: discover sb while commiting some forbbiden action=a prinde pe cineva în flagrant asupra faptului;

I witnessed his first crime. That's the moment when I caught him red-handed.

  • reds⇒reds under the bed(s): members of the Communist Party having influence on political life=membri influenți ai partidului comunist (folosită de politicienii anticomuniști).