Complete with the verb in the present continuous and match with the corresponding picture. (îmi trebuie doar propozițiile făcute) cine ma poate ajuta?

1. Arnold is talking to his girlfriend.
2. Bill is riding his bike home.
3. Dad is carrying his suitcases to the office.
4. Ernest is canoeing with his girlfriend.
5. Grandpa is boarding the plane.
6. I am walking to school.
7. John is eating his meal alone.
8. Julie is watering the plants.
9. Ken is reading an interesting book.
10. Louis is skiing backwards.
11. My sons are fighting over some toys.
12. Peter is begging for a new pair of rollers skates.
13. Sarah is washing her car.
14. The boys are camping in the woods.
15. The student is sleeping during class.
16. The Wilsons are celebrating their wedding anniversary.