Va rog, ajutati-ma!! Faceți voi text, propoziții sau ce, cere. Eu nu am înțeles exercițiul.

1. S(supplier)-Hello, Mrs Williams. I'm glad you agreed to work together. I'm sure we will do amazing things.
C(customer/Mrs Williams)-Yes. For sure. Now may I ask what is the first project you're thinking about?
S- I thought that you'll can arrange a presentation to make the company known.
C-Yes. Of course. It's a grate idea. I'm beginning the presentations today.
S-Good. Thank you for your collaboration.
C-Of course. Goodbye
S-Goodbye. Have a nice day
2. Colleague 1- Hi,Mark.
Colleague 2- Hello.
Colleague 1- I was thinking if you want to play a tennis match tomorrow at 7PM.
Colleague 2- I can't af 7. I have football training. But what about 3PM? Is it ok for you?
Colleague 1-Yes, sounds grate.
Colleague 2- Ok, then see you there.
Colleague 1-Good. Bye. Have a nice day.
Colleague 2- Thank you. Bye.
Sper ca e bine și că te-am ajutat.