Am nevoie la engleza urgent

Present Simple:
4. Lorena often wears sunglasses.
5. The baby often sleeps in the afternoon.
6. William doesn't tidy his room.
7. Leonor helps her fatherin the shop.
8. We sometimes eat fish and chips.
9. Patricia doesn't understand English.
10. Miriam dusts the furniture.
11. I go shoppings on Monday.
12. Ralph has a nap after lunch.
Present Continuous:
3. Carol is studying French right now.
5. We are surfing în The web.
6. Tina is wearing a black dress.
7. My brothers are sitting on a brench.
8. Barbara is going to school.
9. Christine is travelling by plane.
10. Those cats are paying with a ball.
11. That bird is flying very high.
12. The mechanic is mending the cars.
Choose the corect option:
1. The doctor is working in the local hispital now.
2. Michael goes shoppings with his father on Saturdays.
3. Roberto catches the bus in the morning.
4. The girl often drinks milk for breakfast.
5. It's 9:00pm and my family îs having Dinner.
6. Claire finishes her lesson at 2,15pm.
7. Paula and you are reading the New magazine now.