
Scrie un text de 150-200 de cuvinte cu titlul "The best moment of my life" in care sa respecti:
Paragraful 1-When/where did it happen? Who were you with?
Paragraful 2-How did it start?
Paragraful 3-What happened then?
Paragraful 4-What happened at the end? How did you feel?

Va rooog din suflet sa ma ajutați!!! ​

Răspuns :


The best moment of my life was when I was 10 years old. I was at home and my mother made some cheesecakes. My grandparents were in the living room watching TV.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and we were thinking who it might be, because no one had announced that would come to visit us.

Grandma got up from the couch and opened the door. The door was my father. He had just returned from the UK and wanted to surprise us all and did not let us know in advance. He told us that the company he worked for in London would send him to Bucharest, to another similar job. At the same time, he will not leave us for a long time.

We could not believe it was true and we were all incredibly happy. It was a perfect moment. I could just talk to my dad anytime and he was with me.



Once upon a time there was a boy about 7 years old. One night they went to their grandparents. When they came there was a mess in the house and I knew who did it but the boy beat his mother and then punished him.