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1)I am happy when I help others,when I see their smile when they are happy. Happiness is such a complicated thing but every day I try to be happy because it is not good when you are sad.I am happy when I see others help sad people, when I hear that I make someone laugh. I am happy when I do what I like, when I got to buy something with my own money and give it to someone. I am happy when I stay with my family and share memories. I am happy when I think about what I have but sad when I think about what others don't have! I am happy that I can walk, talk, that I have a home where I can live and eat a hot meal every day, that I have a mom that helps me when I ma sad or I am in a complicated situation. I am happy that I live in a country where everyone has rights. I am happy that I live in a beautiful country where I can go to school, where we have running water.I am happy that I don't have to go through a war.I am happy that I can see with my eyes all the beautiful things around me, that I can hear all the birds singing, the music, that I don't have to sit in a wheelchair, because that is what life does to us, make's us happy.
2)One shiny day I was going throw the park when I heard a noisy sound.It was a little girl, she was crying. I went to her, and asked her:
-Why are you so sad little girl?
And she told me:
-I am sad because I ran from my kindergarden and now I don't know how to go back!
-Don't worryI will get you to your kindergarden, didn't your mom wrote you her number on a piece o paper?
-Yes, that's right!
I took her mom's number and I finally got her to the kindergarden! I was really happy that I had the chance to help someone even if it wasn't something that big,the fact that I can help someone just with a little thing really makes you a happy person.