Va rog , va dau de toate . Ex:2 , 3 si 4

2) - (have) = has
-(never / take part) = i didin't took part
-(not like) = didin't like
-(watch) = watched
-(not play) = didin't play
-(beat) = beated
-(win) = won
-(stand up) = stands up
-(smile) = smiles
3) - (be born) = was born
-(love) = loves
-(study) = studies
-(invent) = invented
-(call) = calls
4) 1- Is your teacher watching TV right now?
2- What are you doing at the moment?
3- How did you celebrate your last birthday?
4- Was your family having dinner at 8pm?
5- What were you doing when the teacher came into the classroom?
Sper că te am ajutat! :)