Am nevoie de ajutor dau coroană, va rog repede.

Trebuie sa scrii ce porti de obicei de exemplu:
1. At school I wear an uniform
2. During summer holidays I wear some shorts and a T-shirt (daca esti baiat)/ a dress (daca esti fata)
3. In winter I wear a jacket a scarf and a hat
4. When I go to a party I wear jeans and a T-shirt
☆ Explicatie pas cu pas ☆
In acest exercitiu trebuie sa spui de hainele pe care le porti
☆ Raspuns ☆
1. At school I wear an school uniform.
2. During the summer holidays I wear T-shirt and shorts.
3. When I go to party I wear dress (sau chiar si altceva).
Sper ca te-am ajutat!! ♤♡♢♧☆