Va rog mult sa ma ajutati cu exercitiul de la Reading Task.
Spatiile libere trebuie sa fie completate fiecare cu una din urmatoarele variante.
A Ulysses' dissatisfaction in captivity makes releasing him the obvious thing to do.
B Zoo authorities, aware of the possible dangers , have increased safety measures.
C The problem has arisen because there is the possibility that Ulysses would be unable to adjust to sea life and eventually die.
D Scientists belive that this behaviour could have been caused by the fact that he has outgrown his pool.
E Then his " family" will be located , which should not be difficult as Icelandic whales are well monitored.
F No captive whale has ever been returned to the sea.
G While he is away, they can build a new, bigger pool by the sea.
H This proves that, contrary to popular belief, killet whales are not necessarily aggressive.