
3 Read the text and say why Betty and Amanda are excited.
At the Railway Station
The Taylors are at the railway station. They are leaving for London. Mrs Taylor's
brother lives there and he invited them to spend a few days in London for the Easter
holidays. Amanda and Betty are very excited.
The railway station is busy and noisy. The girls are surprised to see so many
passengers. Some are hurrying to catch their trains. Others are having a cup of tea
and a bun or a sandwich in the refreshment room.
A train is standing at one of the platforms ready to leave. Some of the passengers
are looking out of the windows. Late-comers are hurrying along looking for empty
At another platform a train has just come in. Some passengers are getting off the
train, others are getting on.
Mr Taylor is looking for a porter to help
him carry the luggage to the platform.
Their train goes from platform five. Mrs
Taylor is buying some newspapers and
bookstall (n)
a magazine from the bookstall. They'll
luggage (n)
read them on their journey.
porter (n)
sleeper (n)
Amanda and Betty are in the waiting-
railway station (n) journey (n)
refreshment room (n)
room. They are sitting on the suitcases.
waiting-room (n)
arrive in/at (v)
The girls are very happy. It is their first
bun (n)
catch a train (v)
journey to London.
- Word Bank​

Răspuns :


nustiu raspunsughuui


Betty și Amanda nu mai pot de răbdare pentru că

Familia Taylors sunt la gară și vor pleca către londra unde locuiesc frați doamnei Taylors pentru vacanță de paște.

Fetele sunt surprinse de numărul mare de pasagerii