Va rog macar primele 2 exercitii sau doar primu este urgent pana la ora 15:40 va rog mult aceasta este evaluare finala dau milte inimi si coroane si ma anonez cu multe conturi

1. How many
2. How much
3. How much
4. How many
5. How many
6. How many
7. How much
8. How much
9. How many
10. How many
Ca sa înțelegi, "how many" se foloseste pentru substantive numărabile iar "how much" pentru substantive nenumărabile. (Exemplu: apa, zahărul)
1. We visited
2. We were
3. We stayed
4. Our aunt prepared
5. It was
6. We played
7. We walked
8. We watched
9. We didn't want
10. There were
My favorite season is winter. You can watch how it's snowing, you can play with your friends out and having fun together.
Also, many sports are interractive like skiing. I love skiing so much. So that's why winter is my favorite season.