Dau coroana la primii 3 va rog cat mai repede ca am nevoie urgent .Ex.3,4 si 5 !!!

ex 3
1. Bucharest is better than Brasov.
2. Rain is worse than snow.
3. Russia is further than China from Italy.
ex 4
1. His motorbike is as fast as his car.
2. This ferry boat is as big as that cruise ship.
3. An elephant is as heavy as a bus.
4. Maria is as pretty as Diane.
5. Your sister's hair is as long as your hair.
6. My project is as good as your project.
ex 5
1. Ferraris are not as fast as Porches.
2. Dogs are not as intelligent as cats.
3. Buses are not as cheap as trains.
4. This exam was not as easy as the last exam.
5. John's motorbike is not as laud as Dave's scooter.
6. A mouse is not as small as a rabbit.
7. Science is not as difficult as maths.
8. Sam is not as clever as Jack.