Buna tuturor! Va rog mult sa ma ajutati urgent cu exercitiile astea, doar cine stie sigur va rog!

ex 7
1 cu 3
2 cu 6
3 cu 10
4 cu 5
5 cu 1
6 cu 4
7 cu 7
8 cu 9
9 cu 11
10 cu 2
11 cu 8
ex. 8
1. pain
2. hurt
3. ache
4. pain
6. sore
8. ache
9. pain
10. hurt
1 cu 2
2 cu 6
3 cu 4
4 cu 1
5 cu 5
6 cu 3
7 cu 7
ex2. pagina cu desenele
1. I chew my food with teeth.
2. When I sleep the eyelashes covers my eyes.
3. I make a sign to say that everything is OK with my finger.
4. I comb my hair before I leave the house.
5. I cut my nails when they grow too long.
6. I wear my watch around my wrist..
7. I tie my belt around waist.
8. Men sometimes put a tie around neck.
9. I use hands to grab something.
10. I carry my backpack on shoulders.
la ex 7 am numerotat coloanele cu numere de la 1 la 11 apoi le am asociat
la fel si la ex. 9