Urgent, dau coroana!!

It's already been proven that music is a balm for the soul, but research increasingly shows that it's also a powerful medicine for the mind. When sounds reach the ear, a series of stimulants begin to travel over the neuronal connections and the brain releases dopamine, the same chemical substance that produces pleasure from things like food However, music does much more than this.
In my opinion, music has a great impact on our lives, it has become a so-called medicine for the soul and mind not only due to the fact that it has the capacity of storing memories, but also because it decreases many symptoms such as anxiety.
Firstly, music has proven beneficial across many populations, for many reasons. Music decreases anxiety before, during, and after surgical procedures. Music decreases anxiety and improves well-being of patients with dementia. Music relieves pain and decreases nausea and vomiting. Music decreases the symptoms of depression. Music is beneficial for adults, children, and infants. Music therapy is used in psychiatric facilities, retirement communities, cancer treatment centers, and neonatal intensive care units.
Secondly, music is powerful — it moves us physically and emotionally, often transporting us back to a previous place and time. A foot will start to tap along to a beat or tears begin to well up in response to a touching melody. Far from just stimulating memories surrounding a song, though, many believe music can actually help to preserve and even enhance cognitive function.
To sum it al up, i would like to say that music has become one of our daily necessities and it is indeed medicine for the mind, due to it's benefits and to it's strong connection with our brain and soul.