Answer the quiestions in full sentences

a)The measures mentioned in the article currently taking place to control the cronavirus are: to wash our hands often, to touch as few objects as possible, to avoid people suffering from respiratory diseases, to wear protective masks and gloves and not to put our hands on the eyes, nose and mouth.
b) What happened in Venice happens almost everywhere, an infected person spread the virus and most of the inhabitants of that city were infected, so Venice went into quarantine.
c) Given that this virus has never been encountered before, the vaccine takes a long time, and people get infected in a very large percentage every day, almost every country has traffic restrictions, and most people are technically unemployed or working from home, so cars are no longer used so often, carbon emissions have gone down.
d) nu stiu, imi pare rau
e)the pandemic is a human tragedy because it affects human, social and economic life.
f)nici aici nu stiu
g) Chiar nu stiu, doamne cine ti a dat astfel de intrebari
h)...... Nu stiu=(((