Exercitiul 5
urgent va rog!!!

a. His unpunctuality and bad work soon led to his dismissal from the firm.
b. After the funeral service in the church, we went out to the cemetery for the burial.
c. Thousands of people were at the airport for the President's arrival.
d. Renewal of your season ticket for another six months will cost 268.
e. To get married befre you are eighteen, you will need your parent's approval and consent.
f. The actors are having a final rehearsal tonight.
g. At the end of the five-day trial, he as found guilty and sent to prison.
h. The factory manager wants to use different machines but the workers don't like this proposal.
i. The police were amazed at the survival of the five children after a night out in freezing temperatures.
j. He made a complete denial of the acusation against him but nu one believes him.
k. I don't understand his refusal to help us.
l. The new republican government demanded the removal of the king's statue from the main square.