20 puncte si corona
La engleza

4.There is a so wonderful word as a mother in our world. This is a magic word, the best word. It is filled with power, love, kindness and affection. Every child and adult love the Mother. We always be small children for them, how old we wouldn’t become. She is with me all my life, gives a piece of advice, sits long nights near my bed when I’m ill, she teaches me to be good and talented and loves me.
When I went to school in the first grade, and then I will finish the eleventh , she is proud of me like no one else. She helps to solve home tasks. Mom always treats, takes care of me.
She is happy, when we share the good news and sad when we have problems. My mother always near, even I do not notice it. Mother is the only guardian angel, who watches over us and makes our life brighter. My mother's hands — they're Golden! Mother's smile shines brighter than the Sun! Mother's eyes are like the Stars!
My Mom is the best mom in the world! I'm nobody without my mother. There is no life without her. If I hurt my mom, I immediately ask her to forgive me and do not repeat mistakes. I love my mother! I love the life she presented to me. I like the moments when my mother praises me, and I love to please my mother. I love when she is happy when laughs. I will take care of her indefinitely. I want to return the happiness, the love and the care she gives me. My mother is an icon for me.
Love and respect your moms, don't make them sad. Give them as much time as it ‘s possible. Forgive them all mistakes, as they forgive you. Remember, your mom is the closest person you have!