Rezumatul yextului Midas.SCURT 10 PROPOZITII

There lived a king named Midas,he was really found in gold,he had a daughter that he loved her so much.One day when he was engaged in couting money a stranger came and told him that, he has everything,but is he really happy?Midas responded with a no,until when he will be able to turn everything in gold by one touch.Then the stranger said that he shall have his wish.The next day when Midas woke up,while he was dressing he noticed that his clothes turned into gold,that made him very happy.Then he went in the garden,and everything he was touching it would turn into gold.Then he went to breakfast,and his daughtet was sitting besides him,he took a sip of coffe,but it turned into gold.The daughter asked his father if everything is okay,then she took his hand and she turned into gold.Then Midas started crying,suffering cause of his bad choice.But sudenly he heared the voice of that stranger that asked him to choose between his daughter and gold,he choosed her daughter.Then the stranger helped Midas and his daughter was back,he understood what is the most important thing in the world