Topic: Subjunctive mood. Trebuie de scris cuvintele din paranteza intr-o forma corect.

Hi there!
Insert the correct form of the verbs on brackets:
1. I wish he were able to type faster.
2. If I were you, then I would not do that.
3. Mr. Black recommended that you join the committee.
4. Were he alive, he would be proud of his son.
5. It is important that you try to study often.
6. Dr. Jackson asked that Anthony submit his research paper before the end of the term.
7. Sarah requested Frank come to the party.
8. It is important she attend the meeting.
9. Judy asked that we attend her graduation ceremony next week.
10. The teacher insists that the students come on time.
11. It`s important that Janet remember to take her medicine twice a day.
12. William spends money as if he won a lottery.
➤ Daca modul indicativ prezinta actiunea exprimata de verb aproape de realitate,modul conjunctiv este folosit pentru a exprima fie o actiune posibila sau una ireala,improbabila.
➤Conjunctivul poate fi sintetic sau analitic.
➤Conjunctivul sintetic are doua forme: prezent si trecut.
➤Conjunctivul prezent este identic cu infinitivul scurt (fara “to”) .
Este folosit:
✈ Pentru a exprima urari sau in expresii fixe:
Long live peace! (Traiasca pacea!)
Curse this rain! ( Fir-ar ea de ploaie!)
God save the queen!
Heaven help us all! (Doamne-ajuta!)
Be that as it may! (Fie ce-o fi!)
God forgive/bless you!
Good-bye! (God be with you!)
✈ In propozitii subordonate introduse prin “that”, pentru a exprima o dorinta, o cerere,obligatie,necessitate. Il folosim dupa verbe ca: to suggest,to order,to demand,to urge, to recommend si dupa expresii impersonale ca: it is necessary/advisable,possible,impossible,important, etc.
Ex. He recommended that Tom sit down and listen carefully. ( El a recomandat ca Tom sa stea jos sis a asculte cu atentie)
It is necessary that your friend arrive there first. (Este necesar ca prietenii tai sa ajunga aici primii)
➤ Conjunctivul trecut este identic cu forma de past simple a verbului. (cu “-ed” sau forma a doua,daca e neregulat).
Este folosit:
✈ In propozitia conditionala de tipul 2.
Ex. They would be happy if you came. (Ei ar fi fericiti daca tu ai veni.)
✈ Dupa : wish, it`s (high) time,as if/though, even if/though,would rather/sooner
Ex. I wish you met my parents. (As vrea sa-mi cunosti parintii.)
It`s time you understood the problem. (Este timpul sa intelegi problema)
Good Luck!