
O compunere in 300 de cuvinte despre cum ne gândim că va arăta viata in anul 2050 ,în toate aspectele.In engleza trebuie sa fie ​

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I think life in 2050 will be hard, the poluation will be strong and the humanity will fall. The tehnology will be advanced and we will prefer living in a realistic vr game that is like reality because in real life the air out will be toxic. We can help it, it dont have to be like this. We can stop poluating and have a better future. A better future like the now days but with advanced tehnology. I think the robots will work for us and school will be like a weird hat that inplants you information. If now is the coronavirus, maybe in 2050 will be another virus, a virus that is really dangerous to us or maybe its more just like a cold. Or maybe not a human virus. A computer virus that will infect the robots that work for us and will stop respecting our comands. Maybe in 2050 the aliens will live with us or be our enemyes, because we are not alone in tjis big space. But lets not think that far away, there are just 30 years. What if the things will change just a little bit and we will not feel them, or what if the changes will be big and we will live on mars from then. However its going to be, we have to stay strong. We never can know how the future will be


After 2050, genetic engineering will allow wealthy parents to alter their children’s DNA to make them superior: taller, more handsome, smarter and stronger. The 2050 future will have “chips for everything.” For example, fleeing robbers may find themselves shot with a microchip gun. The embedded microchips may transit a location signal and the robbers will be quickly located and arrested. But of course it can have its disadvantages: the continual chip-monitoring has a significant potential for intrusion into personal privacy.

The 2050 future will be much richer, with older, healthier and slimmer populations, experiencing a much more rapid rate of change in city environments, transportation, PCs, and political systems. Not all of these will be beneficial, but most may well be, particularly in some countries. Supermarkets will be staffed by robots & used more automated checkout lines with only a few human employees.

But, with robots constantly being developed to take over more and more of our physical tasks, being employed is likely to become harder, especially for the lower-skilled sectors of society.

More things will be 3D-printed. This tech is in its infancy and will most likely find widespread use.

There is a possibility of tremendous growth in On-line Education and more people will start to “work from home”.

Unfortunately, wars and conflict will not end even after 2050. Hopefully they may become more localized & easier to contain. Battles will be directed by artificial intelligence, and defined by drones and special ops missions more than by large numbers of ground troops. “Killer” satellites may also be used. Terrorists may gain access to biological/chemical weapons (new and dangerous viruses). So when I compare the advantages and disadvantages I come to realize that we are headed towards even worse things. Let’s not forget about the environment changes: Weather events will be more severe and frequent, and so disrupting all over the planet. Every bad thing that could possibly happen will happen by 2050 if we continue our way of life.