
Complete each sentence (a-j) with a suitable ending (1-10). Use each ending once.
a) I decided to buy a burglar alarm after someone broke ..........5.....
b) When Alan was stopped outside the supermarket he ended......
c) As it was Sheila's first offence she was let.
d) After climbing over the prison wall, Peter managed to get...
e) The old couple who live opposite were taken ...
f) At the end of the trial Hilary was found........
g) My neighbours admitted denting my car but got away.....
h) The bank at the end of the street was held ............
i) Nobody saw Jack cheating and he got away with
j) The hijackers took fifteen people....

1 in by a salesman who cheated them out of their money.
2 away by stealing a car parked nearby.
3 up at the police station, charged with shoplifting.
4 it, although everyone suspected what had happened.
5 into my house and stole my stereo.
6 off with only a warning.
7 with paying only £100 damages.
8 hostage and demanded £1,000,000 from the authorities.
9 guilty and sentenced to six months in prison.
10 up by two masked men last week.​