Two sentences are correct and the rest have mistakes . Correct them:

1. Propozitia aceasta este corecta.
Bill se joaca jocuri pe calculator acum. - timpul este Present Continuous
2. Tom DOES his homework every day.
Tom isi face tema in fiecare zi. - timpul este Present Simple
3. They GO to the stadium on Fridays.
Ei merg la stadion in zilele de vineri. - timpul propozitiei este PS (Present Simple)
4. Kate IS DRAWING the doll at the moment. (folosim is drawing in locul lui draws fiindca timpul propozitiei este PC- Present Continuu)
Kate isi deseneaza papusa in momentul acesta.
5. We ARE WATCHING an interesting game right now.
Noi privim un joc/meci interesant chiar acum. - Present Continuous
6. Paul WORKS in the garden every day.
Paul lucreaza in gradina in fiecare zi. - Present Simple
7. I AM TALKING over the mobile right now.
Vorbesc la telefon chiar acum. - Present Continuous
8. The girls ARE PLANTING trees at the moment.
Fetele planteaza copaci in acest moment. - Present Continuous
9. Este corecta.
10. We ARE DISCUSSING a new film now.
Discutam un film nou acum. - Present Continuous
11. Dan often GOES to work on foot.
De obicei, Dan merge la munca pe jos. - Present Simple
12. Ann HELPS her mother every day.
Ann isi ajuta mama in fiecare zi. - Present Simple.