Puteți rezolva exercițiile 1 2 și 3.Vă rog

Exercițiul 1
1. She has been writing letters all evening.
2. She has written ten emails.
3. They have been reading quite big number of books currently.
4. They have already read The Lord of The Rings.
5. You have been meeting with the same bank for 5 years.
6. You have saved 5.000 for your vacation.
7. He has seen Kate a few times recently.
8. Someone has eaten all my sweets. There is nothing left.
9. You have eaten my sweets. There is only one lollipop left!
10. We have had our boat for a quite long time.
11. They have been having this conversation for a quite long time. It's time to go home.
12. How long has he been doing English homework?
13. How much practice has he done?
Exercițiul 2
1. I have already ran
2. She has been standing
3. haven't they cleaned
4. he has been standing
5. we have read
6. you have bought
7. I have been doing the gardening
8. they haven't solved
9. have you been doing
10. have been swelling
Exercițiul 3
1. She has known
2. You have seen
3. He has forgotten
4. I have been sitting
5. They have been living
6. has he been working
FORMA: HAVE/HAS+ Verb( ed or the 3rd form)
REGULA: Folosim "present perfect simple" când vorbim despre un eveniment din trecut care este conectat cu o situație prezentă.
ex: The teacher is angry because we haven't done our homework. (nu ne-am făcut tema-in trecut- iar acum profesoara este supărată pe noi din această cauză-in prezent-)
REGULA: Folosim already in propoziții afirmative.
Folosim already între "have" si verb.
ex: A lot of people have already bought Wi-Fi for their homes.
REGULA: Folosim just ca sa specificăm ca acțiunea s-a petrecut cu puțin timp înainte.
Folosim just între "have" și verb.
ex: I have just read Ken's email.
REGULA: Folosim yet in propoziții negative și întrebări.
ex: The city has not decided yet.
Have you seen the new James Bond film yet?
REGULA: Folosim "present perfect continuous":
Succes! :)