
Rewrite sentences 1-3 in the past and rewrite sentences 4-6 in the present.

Example:I didn't have to wear a uniform.

1.I don't have to wear a uniform - e facuta deja.

2.I must get up before 7:30 a.m.

3.I mustn't buy sweets.

4.I had to use a computer every day.

5.I wasn't allowed to bring my own lunch.

6. I didn't have to do any homework.


Răspuns :

Hi there!

Cerinta: Rewrite sentences 1-3 in the past and rewrite sentences 4-6 in the present.

            Rescrie propozitiile 1-3 la trecut si propozitiile 4-6 la prezent


1. I don`t have to wear an uniform.

I didn`t have to wear an uniform.

2.I must get up before 7:30 a.m.

I had to get up before 7:30 a.m.

3.I mustn't buy sweets.

I didn`t have to buy sweets.

4.I had to use a computer every day.

I have to use a computer every day.

5.I wasn't allowed to bring my own lunch.

I am not allowed to bring my own luch.

6. I didn't have to do any homework.

I don`t have to do any homework.


“Can”,“May” , “Must” sunt verbe modale si trebuie sa tii cont de cateva reguli atunci cand le folosesti:

- “can” exprima abilitatea; “may” exprima permisiunea; “must” exprima obligativitatea;

- Nu au decat forma de prezent (cu exceptia lui “can”, care are past simple-could);

- La persoana a III-a,numarul singular( he/she/it), nu primesc “-s”;

- Pentru forma interogativa nu folosim “do” sau “does”, ci facem inversiune;

- Pentru a le folosi la alte timpuri, vom folosi perifrazele modale:

                                        Can-be albe to

                                        May- be allowed to

                                        Must-have to

Good Luck!