Hey ajutati.ma 1 si 2 va rog dau corona

1) Gaelic Football is the most amazing spectator sport in Ireland.It is a combination of football and rugby.30 players pass kick and run with the ball
2) Yes, Hurling is a fast game.
3) Two players at once.
1.Gaelic football is the most amaizing spectator sport in Ireland.It is a combination of football and rugby.
2.Yes,Hurling is a fast sport.
3.Only two(2) players can play at one time.
The traditional sports in Romania are:
a) Oina.
Am să îți dau informații în plus despre jocul "Oina" sau "Oină" :
Oina is a traditional Romanian sports game. The gambling game was spread throughout the country, with a large number of names and variants: in Banat it was called "small lopta" or "pile", in Transylvania "long" or "long lopta", in Sibiu area. "Escape", in Muntenia and Moldova "hoina" and then the sheep, in Maramureș "ojerul" or "oirul", in Dobrogea "along". In some places the girl is also played by girls, under the name of "little girl". It is similar to common sports games in other countries, such as German Schlagball, Finnish pesäpallo, the game of pigeons in France and Cluiche Corr. Irish.
The game requires complex sporting qualities.
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