
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu traducerea acestui fragment?
''E fiul unui fost ministru de prin preajma razboiului pentru Independenta. A mostenit o avere frumoasa pe care a pierdut-o la carti. Chinuit (...) de acest viciu, dupa ce a stors de unde a putut si cat a putut, facand datorii rusinoase, a ramas muritor de foame, prin cafenele, la batranete. Acum vreo zece ani tata, facandu-i-se mila de el, i-a spus sa vie la una din mosiile noastre si sa ramaiie acolo. Are cel putin casa si masa, fara grija. Ca intodeauna si acum simte nevoia sa joace, dar (...) n-are parale. Cum face insa rost de bani, de la mine sau de la prieteni, intamplator, alearga sa-si caute parteneri. Acestia stiindu-i patima, se lasa greu, spunandu-i acum ca ei nu au parale. Pana in cele din urma tot el le imprumuta banii de joc, numai si numai sa poata juca. Dar la sfarsit ramane fara nimic, caci ei daca pierd ii imprumuta din nou intruna...''

Răspuns :

Răspuns:He is the son of a former minister near the war for Independence. He inherited a beautiful fortune that he lost to books. Tormented (...) by this vice, after he bled from where he could and as much as he could, doing embarrassing debts, he remained starving, through the cafes, at old age. About ten years ago, his father, pitying him, told him to live in one of our homes and stay there. He has at least the house and the table, without care. As always and now he feels the need to play, but (...) has no parallels. But how do you get money, from me or from friends, by chance, run to look for partners. They knew their passion, they left hard, telling them now that they have no parallels. Eventually he also lends them the game money, only and only he can play. But in the end it is worthless, because if they lose they borrow again somewhere ... ''