Ex 12/ punctul a
Va rog!

Cerinta : Read the beginnings (1 - 3) and match them with the correct endings (a - c). --> Citeste introducerile (1 - 3) si asociaza-le cu finalurile corecte (a - c)
Rezolvare : 1 - b --> Tina and her brother watched in horror as the water rose higher and higher around them. "Don't worry! I'll think of something," said Tina's brother nervously. (Tina si fratele ei priveau ingroziti cum nivelul apei creste din ce in ce mai mult in jurul lor. "Nu te ingrijora! Ma voi gandi la ceva," a spun stresat fratele Tinei.) --> As the rescue worker helped them off the roof and into the boat, he said, "That was smart thinking on your part, son."
2 - a --> I'm sure you all know what it feels like to finally reach the end of a journey, hungry and tired, only to find that nobody is waiting for you. --> As I waited for the taxi driver, I looked around me one last time, hoping to see a familiar face. "Where is everyone?" I wondered.
3 - c --> Joe suggested that he and his friends go camping for the weekend. It seemed like a good idea. (Joe a sugerat ca el si prietenii lui sa mearga intr-o drumetie weekend-ul acesta. Parea o idee buna.) --> The next morning, they took down their tents and went back home. (In dimineata urmatoare, ei si-au strans corturile si au plecat acasa.) .